Teeth Whitening – City, ST 

The Key to Unlocking Your Dream Smile!

If you’re a little insecure about the color of your smile, you’re far from alone. All kinds of people wish their teeth were a little bit whiter, whether they’ve seen their smile yellow from aging or from a little too much coffee every morning. Unfortunately, it’s all too easy for teeth to become discolored despite your best efforts.

It’s a good thing that teeth whitening can just as easily make your smile shine again. If you’re near Tustin, CA, Zhang Dental Group of Tustin has all the tools you need to unlock your dream smile. Make an appointment with us today and we’ll be happy to show you what this treatment can do.

Someone with a nice smile

Why Choose Zhang Dental Group of Tustin For Teeth Whitening? 

  • Offers Both In-office and At-home Teeth Whitening
  • Comfortable Dental Office that Puts Patients at Ease
  • Empathetic Dental Team with Your Best Interest at Heart

Who Is a Good Candidate for Teeth Whitening? 

Someone with a nice smile

A good candidate for teeth whitening is someone with healthy teeth and gums who desires a brighter smile. Typically, these individuals have yellow-toned teeth rather than gray or brown stains, which respond better to whitening. However, even patients with severe discoloration might find that teeth whitening could benefit them. It's also important for them not to be pregnant, breastfeeding, or have allergies to whitening agents.

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

Patient talking to a dentist

Teeth whitening works by using bleaching agents, usually hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, to break down stains on the enamel and dentin layers of the teeth. These agents penetrate the tooth surface and cause a chemical reaction that lifts stains, resulting in a lighter, whiter appearance. The process can be done professionally by a dentist or with at-home kits.

Take-Home Teeth Whitening

Someone with a nice smile

Professional take-home teeth whitening involves custom-fitted trays provided by a dentist, filled with a bleaching gel. Patients wear the trays for a specified time daily, usually over one to two weeks. This method offers effective, gradual whitening with professional supervision, ensuring safety and optimal results.

In-Office Teeth Whitening 

Someone with a nice smile

In-office teeth whitening is a procedure performed by a dentist, using high-concentration bleaching agents. The process typically takes about an hour and involves applying the agent to the teeth and activating it with a special light. This method offers immediate, significant whitening results.

Tips for Maintaining Your Brighter Smile

Someone with a nice smile

To maintain a brighter smile after teeth whitening, follow these steps:

  • Good Oral Hygiene: Brush twice daily and floss regularly to prevent staining and plaque buildup.
  • Avoid Staining Foods and Drinks: Limit consumption of coffee, tea, red wine, and dark berries, or use a straw to minimize contact with teeth.
  • Quit Smoking: Tobacco can cause significant staining.
  • Regular Dental Cleanings: Visit your dentist for cleanings and checkups to keep your teeth healthy and white.
  • Touch-Up Treatments: Use professional or at-home touch-up kits as recommended by your dentist to maintain whiteness.

If you’re interested in learning more about what professional whitening can do for you, don’t hesitate to make an appointment with us today!