Restorative Dentistry – Tustin, CA

Revitalize Your Broken, Worn-Down Teeth

Teeth lack the means to heal themselves, but Dr. Zhang can restore their strength, size, and appearance with a customized restoration. If you schedule an appointment for restorative dentistry at our Tustin, CA dental office, we can examine your damaged teeth and determine what kind of restoration is needed to protect and strengthen them. In the meantime, you can read on to learn about a few of the most popular restorative dental services we offer!

Woman with tooth pain before emergency dentistry

Why Choose Zhang Dental Group of Tustin for Restorative Dentistry?

  • Dentist with Extensive Training
  • Top-Rated Dental Team in Tustin
  • Multiple Financial Solutions Available

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Illustration of dental fillings on molars

Current studies estimate that roughly 90% of Americans have had a cavity by their 21st birthday. The good news is that, with our Tustin dental team at his side, Dr. Zhang can remove the decayed tissue and restore the function of your tooth without drawing unwanted attention to your smile thanks to tooth-colored fillings! Plus, we’ll thoroughly numb your mouth beforehand so the entire treatment process is completely painless as well.


Dental Crowns

Illustration of dental crown being placed on lower tooth

Sometimes, the dental damage is extensive enough that a tooth-colored filling will no longer suffice. For example, if your tooth has sustained a severe crack or needs protection following root canal treatment, then we will recommend a dental crown instead. This “cap” covers the weak tooth entirely, restoring its look and function in the process. Don’t worry – we also use lifelike materials so you don’t have a dark spot on your smile moving forward.


Dental Bridges

Illustration of dental bridge

If you are missing one tooth or several teeth consecutively, it’s important that you fill the gap in your smile. Otherwise, your teeth can begin to drift out of place, and the strength of your bite will weaken considerably. That’s where dental bridges come in. With dental crowns anchoring the restoration in place, we can replace anywhere from one to four teeth, improving the look, health, and function of your smile in the process.



Illustration of partial denture

When patients think of dentures, they often think of the restorations from decades prior. However, innovations in dentistry and advancements in technology have resulted in this tooth-replacement solution being more lifelike than ever before. Plus, it’s incredibly versatile since full dentures can replace an entire arch of teeth while partial dentures can fill in the gaps like a puzzle piece.