It’s common for people to have emergency kits in their homes, cars, and at work to handle bruises, scrapes, and other urgent issues, but what do you do for your teeth? Your mouth can also be injured or have a sudden issue that requires immediate attention. While you can’t stop these situations from occurring, it’s easy to put together the right supplies to handle unpleasant oral surprises. Keep reading to learn more about what to put in your dental emergency kit so you’re prepared if something happens!
What Should I Include in My Dental Emergency Kit?
Some common items that you might find useful in the middle of an urgent dental situation include:
- Alcohol wipes. These can clear away harmful bacteria to prevent infection if you’ve been cut or sustained a laceration.
- Bottled water. If you’ve had an injury that damaged or dislodged a tooth, you’re going to want to rinse your mouth out to clear away debris.
- Cold compress. Holding a cold compress to your face can induce a temporary numbing sensation to help with oral pain or inflammation.
- Cotton balls. If the soft tissues in your mouth are feeling irritated by braces brackets or dentures, then these can be used as a cushion until you can see your dentist. Also, if you’re bleeding then you can bite down on one firmly to slow the flow.
- Dental mirror. Sometimes you can feel a problem in your mouth but can’t get at the right angle to see it. Having a dental mirror in your kit allows you to identify problem areas so you can determine what steps to take next.
- Dental wax. Sharp edges of braces are known to rub raw spots inside your cheeks and lips and covering them with wax can provide some much-needed relief. Plus, if you break a tooth or restoration and it has jagged edges, you can protect the insides of your mouth by applying some gently over the injury.
- Floss. Keeping floss or flossers nearby can be just what you need to get rid of a piece of food that’s trapped between your teeth, under your gums, or in your orthodontics or restoration.
- Latex gloves. You wouldn’t want to introduce extra germs to your mouth if you’re reaching in there to try to address an issue because it leaves you at an increased risk of infection. Latex gloves ensure that you don’t spread unwanted particles.
- Pain medications. It’s always a good idea to include over-the-counter medicines like Tylenol and ibuprofen to assuage any aches that may crop up.
- Temporary restoration material. When a tooth or restoration pops out, you can use this to temporarily replace it until you can reach your dentist’s office.
Now that you have some helpful suggestions about what to include in your dental kit, you’ll be prepared for any emergency!
About the Author
Dr. Michael Zhang offers a wide array of top-tier dental services to people of all ages, including emergency dentistry. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in psychobiology from UCLA before he earned his Doctor of Dental Medicine degree from the Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dentistry. Now, he enjoys helping people enhance their lives by improving their oral health. He believes that by taking the time to get to know you, he can better meet your unique dental needs. By combining state-of-the-art equipment with a relaxed approach, he strives to provide the highest standard of quality care. If you’re in an urgent situation and need help, you’re welcome to request a same-day appointment through the website or by calling (714) 465-5589.